I have googled plenty of times the same and the same queries related to SQL. There are plenty of MySQL Cheat Sheets
out there but everyone seems to be missing something. I have tried to collect all of them in a single cheat sheet that fulfill my needs. If something is missing do not hesitate to mention it via comments below. Happy SQLing
Create / Delete Database
Repair Tables After Unclean Shutdown
mysqlcheck --all-databases mysqlcheck --all-databases --fast
Select Records
SELECT * FROM table SELECT * FROM table1, table2, ... SELECT column1, column2, ... FROM table1, table2, ... SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE condition SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE condition GROUPBY field SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE condition GROUPBY field HAVING condition2 SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE condition ORDER BY column1, column2 SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE condition ORDER BY column1, column2 DESC SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE condition LIMIT 10 SELECT DISTINCT column1 FROM ... SELECT DISTINCT column1, column2 FROM ...
Insert Records
INSERT INTO table1 (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...)
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE IGNORE '/file/path/inputdata.csv' INTO TABLE table_name
Delete Records
DELETE FROM table1 / TRUNCATE table1 --Deletes all Records DELETE FROM table1 WHERE condition DELETE FROM table1, table2 FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.id1 = table2.id2 AND condition
Update Records
UPDATE table1 SET column1=new_value1 WHERE condition UPDATE table1, table2 SET column1=new_value1, column2=new_value2, ... WHERE table1.id1 = table2.id2 AND condition
Create / Delete / Modify Table
CREATE TABLE table (column1 type1, column2 type2, ...) CREATE TABLE table (column1 type1, column2 type2, ..., INDEX (field)) CREATE TABLE table (column1 type1, column2 type2, ..., PRIMARY KEY (column1)) CREATE TABLE table (column1 type1, column2 type2, ..., PRIMARY KEY (column1,column2)) CREATE TABLE table1 (fk_field1 type1, field2 type2, ..., FOREIGN KEY (fk_field1) REFERENCES table2 (t2_fieldA)
DROP TABLE table --Deleting table DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table DROP TABLE table1, table2, ... DROP DATABASE --Deleting database
ALTER TABLE table MODIFY column1 type1 ALTER TABLE table MODIFY column1 type1 NOT NULL ... ALTER TABLE table CHANGE old_name_column1 new_name_column1 type1 --Rename Column ALTER TABLE table CHANGE old_name_column1 new_name_column1 type1 NOT NULL ... ALTER TABLE table ALTER column1 SET DEFAULT ... ALTER TABLE table ALTER column1 DROP DEFAULT ALTER TABLE table ADD new_name_column1 type1 ALTER TABLE table ADD new_name_column1 type1 FIRST ALTER TABLE table ADD new_name_column1 type1 AFTER another_field ALTER TABLE table DROP column1 --Deleting Column ALTER TABLE table ADD INDEX (field);
ALTER TABLE table MODIFY column1 type1 FIRST --Change column order ALTER TABLE table MODIFY column1 type1 AFTER another_field ALTER TABLE table CHANGE old_name_column1 new_name_column1 type1 FIRST ALTER TABLE table CHANGE old_name_column1 new_name_column1 type1 AFTER another_field
Backup/Restore Database to SQL File
mysqldump -u Username -p dbName > databasename_backup.sql --Backup single db mysql -u Username -p dbName < databasename_backup.sql --Restore single db mysqldump -u Username -p --all-databases > all_databases.sql --Backup all dbs
SHOW DATABASES; --Show all databases use [database] --Select which db to use SHOW TABLES --Show tables of selected db SHOW FIELDS FROM table / DESCRIBE table SHOW TABLE STATUS; --Show dbs information SHOW CREATE TABLE table SHOW PROCESSLIST KILL process_number exit;
Select – Join
SELECT ... FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t1.id1 = t2.id2 WHERE condition SELECT ... FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.id1 = t2.id2 WHERE condition SELECT ... FROM t1 JOIN (t2 JOIN t3 ON ...) ON ...
CREATE TABLE table (..., PRIMARY KEY (column1, column2)) CREATE TABLE table (..., FOREIGN KEY (column1, column2) REFERENCES table2(t2_column1, t2_column2))
column1 = value1 column1 <> value1 column1 LIKE '%value%' --select records that contain value column1 LIKE '%value' --select records that start with value column1 LIKE 'value%' --select records that finish with value column1 IS NULL column1 IS NOT NULL column1 IS IN (value1, value2) column1 IS NOT IN (value1, value2) condition1 AND condition2 condition1 OR condition2
Access Database
mysql -u [username] -p; --will prompt for password mysql -u [username] -p [database] --will prompt for password mysql -h [host] -u [user] -p [Database]
Reset Root Password
$ /etc/init.d/mysql stop $ mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables $ mysql # on another terminal $ mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD('new_pass') WHERE user='root'; ## Kill mysqld_safe process $ /etc/init.d/mysql start
Repair corrupt MyISAM
sudo service mysql stop cd /var/lib/mysql/$DATABASE_NAME myisamchk -r $TABLE_NAME.* or myisamchk -r -v -f $TABLE_NAME.* --it might take some time sudo service mysql start
Check Size
--Show all database sizes: SELECT table_schema "<MY-DATABASE-NAME>", sum( data_length + index_length ) / 1024 / 1024 "Data Base Size in MB" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema; --Show all tables sizes for database: SELECT table_name AS `Table`, round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) `Size in MB` FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema = "<MY-DATABASE-NAME>";
Check/Modify Variables
show variables like 'variable_name'; show global variables like 'variable_name'; set variable_name=0000; set global variable_name=0000;
Modify Storage Engine
ALTER TABLE wp_comments ENGINE=InnoDB;
Main Data Types
Numeric Data Types
Name | Description |
TINYINT | A small integer. The signed range of -128 to 127, and the unsigned range of 0 to 255. |
BOOLEAN | A value 0 with “false,” and a value 1 with “true.” |
SMALLINT | A small integer. The signed range is -32768 to 32767. The unsigned range is 0 to 65535. |
MEDIUMINT | A medium-sized integer. The signed range is -8388608 to 8388607. The unsigned range is 0 to 16777215. |
INT(also INTEGER) | A normal-sized integer. When marked as unsigned, the range spans 0 to 4294967295. When signed (the default setting), the range spans -2147483648 to 2147483647. When a column is set to ZEROFILL( an unsigned state), all its values are prepended by zeros to place M digits in the INT value. |
BIGINT | A large integer. The signed range is -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. The unsigned range is 0 to 18446744073709551615. |
DECIMAL(m,d), also DEC, NUMERIC, FIXED | A precise fixed-point number. m defaults to 10, if not specified. d defaults to 0, if not specified. |
FLOAT(m,d) | A small, floating-point number. Allowable values are: -3.402823466E+38 to -1.175494351E-38 1.175494351E-38 to 3.402823466E+38. |
A normal-size, floating-point numbers. Allowable values are: -1.7976931348623157E+308 to -2.2250738585072014E-308 2.2250738585072014E-308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308 |
BIT[(m)] | A bit-field type. m indicates the number of bits per value, from 1 to 64. The default is 1 if m is omitted. |
Date and Time Data Types
Name | Value range |
DATE | Values range from ‘1000-01-01’ to ‘9999-12-31’. |
TIME | Values range from ‘-838:59:59’ to ‘838:59:59’. |
DATETIME | Values range from ‘1000-01-01 00:00:00’ to ‘9999-12-31 23:59:59’. |
TIMESTAMP | Values range from ‘1970-01-01 00:00:01’ UTC to ‘2038-01-19 03:14:07’ UTC. |
YEAR | Year value as 2 digits or 4 digits. |
String DataTypes
Name | Description |
String literals | The character sequences enclosed by quotes. |
CHAR | A right-padded, fixed-length string containing spaces of specified length. |
VARCHAR | A variable-length string, with an M range (maximum column length) of 0 to 65535. |
BINARY | A binary byte string, with M as the column length in bytes. |
VARBINARY | A binary byte string of variable length. |
TINYBLOB | A blob column with a maximum length of 255 (2^8 – 1) bytes. |
BLOB | A blob column with a maximum length of 65,535 (2^16 – 1) bytes. |
MEDIUMBLOB | A blob column with a maximum length of 16,777,215 (2^24 – 1) bytes. |
LONGBLOB | A blob column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295(2^32 – 1) bytes. |
TINYTEXT | A text column with a maximum length of 255 (2^8- 1) characters. |
TEXT | A text column with a maximum length of 65,535 (2^16 – 1) characters. |
MEDIUMTEXT | A text column with a maximum length of 16,777,215 (2^24 – 1) characters. |
LONGTEXT | A text column with a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 or 4GB (2^32 – 1) characters. |
ENUM | A string object having only a single value from a list. |
SET | A string object having zero or more values from a list, with a maximum of 64 members. SET values present internally as integer values. |